This is me Cleo. I was born on August 5th 1999 at the SPCA in Montreal, Canada, my mummy gave me birth there and she died shortly after, I sure didn`t like that place! even tough they were taking care of me, a nice day on october 1999, after waiting for someone to adopt me I saw a couple coming towards my cage, I started to cry loud so they could get my attention and it worked! the gentle tall guy started to talk to me and the girl went to tell the attendant that hey wanted me.Yippie!! I was so happy! but they put me in a box I didn`t like very much the trip we had until home, but after that I was so happy! I`m the queen of the house! I get to sleep in their bed between them ,I have lots of toys and I spend most of my days looking outside the window and running around the house.
This is my lucky maneko
This is my favorite activity!
more pics of me coming soon!
please sign my guestbook:)
By M.M. ©00/04